Frequently Asked Questions

A managed service provider (MSP) delivers services, such as network, application, infrastructure and security, via ongoing and regular support and active administration on customers' premises, in their MSP's data centre (hosting), or in a third-party data centre.

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) can offer many benefits to businesses, including:

  • Cost savings: MSPs can help businesses avoid large upfront IT investments and provide predictable monthly costs based on a services package. This can be a significant advantage over break/fix IT support, which can result in unpredictable costs.

  • Improved security: MSPs can help businesses implement best practices for security, patch management, and incident response. They can also monitor systems 24/7 to identify and respond to potential threats.

  • Proactive IT management: MSPs can help businesses identify vulnerabilities and put defenses in place to mitigate them, which can reduce the risk of a breach.

  • Reduced downtime: MSPs can provide constant monitoring and proactive capabilities to help reduce downtime, which can lead to better service.

  • Access to expertise: MSPs can provide access to industry experts with deep knowledge.

  • Scalability: MSPs can support thousands of clients simultaneously, and can help businesses take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, such as improved scalability and increased reliability.

  • Disaster recovery: MSPs can help businesses quickly recover from IT disasters and ensure business continuity. 

We offer tiered pricing based on the service level.

Yes, we provide you with round-the-clock support so that your IT environment is continuously monitored, and issues are addressed promptly to minimize the impact.

We will explain things to you clearly and jargon-free to effectively translate complex concepts into terms you understand, fostering a transparent and collaborative partnership.

We have case studies and success stories from various industry verticals, including healthcare, education, financial, and legal.

Network management, security services, data backup and recovery, helpdesk support, etc.

We use a variety of software tools including Ivanti.

Yes. All clients are provided with access to our portal, complete with drill-down functionality from the KPI dashboard.

Yes, we perform regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate emerging threats, ensure regulatory compliance, validate security controls, and prioritize security investments.

As your trusted IT partner, we are responsible for ensuring your IT infrastructure, data handling processes, and security controls adhere to regulatory frameworks and compliance mandates.

We offer compliance support services for HIPAA, PCI DSS and others.

We engage reputable third-party assessment firms whose audits examine various aspects of our operations, including:

  • Physical and environmental security
  • Network and infrastructure security
  • Access controls and authentication
  • Data protection and encryption
  • Incident response and business continuity
  • Risk management and vendor management
  • Policies, procedures, and employee training

Effective Organizational Change Management for IT relies on key components such as:

  • Executive sponsorship and clear vision
  • Cross-functional governance and stakeholder involvement
  • Formalized policies, procedures, and approval processes
  • Employee communication, training, and resistance management
  • Continuous process improvement based on lessons learned